About Us

Our research consortium aims to foster an inclusive international community, establishing shared data collection standards across existing expert in the field of nano and microplastics from industry and research alike.

This requires a seamless transition of advanced nano- and microplastic detection methods from academia to industry, as well as optimizing data collection and analysis packages to define clear guidelines.

Our partners

“Our main challenge is that there seems to be no clear path, currently on the analysis required for microplastic clean-up and compliance”

— Industrial Partner

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Our research

Our research efforts span from the establishment of sampling methods and specimen processing prtotocols all the way to the development and optimisation of analytical techniques for both micro and Nanoplastics detection, identification and quantification. With background expertise in oceanography, biology and chemistry, our multidisciplinary team is well positioned to tackle all specimen types: water, sea water, bio solids, soils and even air. We advance our fundamental understanding of the fields and define best analysis practices, while collecting data on the environmental occurrence of nano and microplastics and start looking at their effect on human health with our partners.

Government funded suite of instruments for all microscopy and nanofabrication needs

Instrumentation for the analysis of different types of compounds, with a focus on mass spectrometry

State of the arts facilities

Cutting-edge equipment and facilities provided for research project across materials science, nanotechnology and nuclear chemistry

Flow cytometry is used to identify and quantify microparticles and cells, based on their physical or molecular characteristics

Case studies and publications